Dr Christie Maddock

Dr Maddock is an expert in mathematical modelling and system design optimisation for transatmospheric flight vehicles, including spaceplane-based launch systems.

Dr Maddock received her undergraduate honours degree in 2002 in Aerospace Engineering with a concentration in Electronics and Systems from Carleton University in Canada. Her thesis was on the design of an optical inter-satellite link for a LEO-GEO data relay satellite system. Her doctoral research was conducted at the University of Glasgow on the dynamics, navigation and control of a spacecraft formation of solar concentrators in the proximity of an asteroid. Prior to obtaining her PhD, Dr Maddock worked for the Canadian Spectrum Engineering Division analysing and designing future communications satellites, and sitting on a number of working parties within the Radiocommunications bureau of the International Telecommunications Union (ITU).

Has expertise in:

    • Earth-to-space vehicle design
    • Spacecraft formation flying
    • Modelling and simulation of engineering systems
    • Satellite telecommunications
    • Evaluation and analysis of trajectory design for air/space vehicles
    • Design and analysis of proximal motion dynamics, open and closed loop control
    • Analysis and/or the development and simulation of software models
    • Consultation on the regulatory process for satellite frequency and orbital location


Multi-objective optimal control of re-entry and abort scenarios

Ricciardi Lorenzo A.Maddock Christie AlisaVasile Massimiliano
AIAA SciTech 2018, (2018)
Conceptual design analysis for a two-stage-to-orbit semi-reusable launch system for small satellites
Maddock ChristieToso Federico, West Michael, West Joanne, Kontis Kostantinos, Rengarajan Sriram, Evans David, Milne Andy, McIntyre Stuart
68th Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, (2017)
Vehicle and mission design of a future small payload launcher
Maddock Christie AlisaToso FedericoRicciardi Lorenzo, Mogavero Alessandro, Lo Kin Hing, Rengarajan Sriram, Kontis Kostantinos, Milne Andy, Merrifield Jim, Evans David, West Michael, McIntyre Stuart
21st AIAA International Space Planes and Hypersonic Systems and Technologies ConferenceInternational Space Planes and Hypersonic Systems and Technologies Conferences, (2017)
Return and abort trajectory optimisation for reusable launch vehicles
Toso FedericoMaddock Christie
Proceedings of the 21st AIAA International Space Planes and Hypersonic Systems and Technologies ConferenceInternational Space Planes and Hypersonic Systems and Technologies Conferences, (2017)
Initial guess generation strategies for spaceplane trajectory optimisation
Toso FedericoMaddock Christie
Transactions of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, (2017)
Spaceplane trajectory optimisation with evolutionary-based initialisation
Maddock ChristieMinisci Edmondo
Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence, (2016)


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