Venue and Directions

Details about how to get to Durham are available from the university website here.

Note: the free bus service from Durham Tees Valley airport has been dropped in the past. For those travelling by plane:

  • To Newcastle: You can take regular metro service from the airport to Newcastle central station (cca 30 mins) from which you can travel by train to Durham train station (cca 20 mins).
  • To Durham Tees Valley: there are (scarce) public buses from the airport to Darlington train station from where you can take regular trains to Durham (cca 20 mins).
  • To London: There are direct trains from London King’s Cross train station to Durham (cca 3 hrs). The train station can be reached by underground (duration varies according to the airport).
  • To Manchester: There are direct trains from Manchester to Durham (cca 2 hrs). The Manchester train station can be reached by combination of trains and metro service from the airport (cca 1 hr).

According to the Durham ESRs’ experience, Newcastle is the best choice. From Durham train station it is about 5 min walk to Durham Bus station, from where you can take bus no. 6 which stops at “South Road Colleges”, near the accommodation site.