Domenico QUAGLIARELLA, Senior Researcher and Head of the Multidisciplinary Analysis and Design Group of Fluid Mechanics Department, earned on July 1993 a Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering at University Federico II in Naples, Italy. In July 1988 he got a research engineer position at CIRA.
His basic background and expertise area is in the field of space sciences, with particular reference to aerodynamics and numerical fluid dynamics, and development of flow-solvers. The specialist fields of expertise are in the technological sciences and engineering, with particular reference to aerospace engineering and aircraft design. Within this framework, he gained expertise in aerodynamic shape design, evolutionary computing, multidisciplinary design optimization, numerical optimization techniques, uncertainty handling and robust design.
His main current research interest is related to uncertainty incorporation and quantification methods into optimization algorithms for robust and reliability based design. Great attention is then devoted to the application of multi-objective optimisation methods to aerodynamic and multidisciplinary design problems, with focus on gradient free techniques such as genetic algorithms and evolutionary strategies for their capability of exploring large search spaces, even in presence of local optima and with non-smooth or noisy objective functions. In this framework, an effort to improve the computational efficiency of such techniques is made by coupling them with more classical ones. To this purpose, he developed hybrid optimisation techniques that couple genetic algorithms and gradient based local search methods. Other fields of active research are approximate fitness evaluators for efficiency improvement of the evolutionary optimization process in computationally challenging design optimization problems.
He has been member, since May 1st, 1997, of the AIAA (American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics) “National Technical Committee on Intelligent Systems”. Since October 2014 he is member of the task force on Computational Intelligence in Aerospace Sciences. This task force is under the Emerging Technologies Technical Committee of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society. Since September 2015 he is Technical Team member of NATO/STO AVT-252 (TASK GROUP) on Stochastic Design Optimization for Naval and Aero Military Vehicles.
He was tutor and co-supervisor of several master thesis and doctoral programs in both aerospace disciplines and in physics and mathematics.
He participated to several EU projects: INGENET (NETworked Industrial Design and Control applications using GENetic algorithms and evolution strategies) European thematic network, where he worked on hybrid multiobjective evolutionary algorithms. Afterwards, he participated to the AEROSHAPE (Multi-Point AEROdynamic SHAPE Optimisation) developing both Evolutionary Computing and Adjoint based optimisation techniques. He also worked to practical optimisation problems within the VELA (Very Efficient Large Aircraft), NACRE (New Aircraft Concept Research), EUROLIFT II (European High Lift Programme II), TELFONA (TEsting for Laminar Flow On New Aircraft), SUPETRAC (SUPERsonic TRAnsitionControl) CESAR (Cost Effective Small Aircraft), NICETRIP (Novel Innovative Competitive Effective Tilt Rotor Integrated Project) and AFLoNext (Active Flow Loads & Noise control on Next generation wing) European projects. Finally, within the UMRIDA EU project (Uncertainty Management for Robust Industrial Design in Aeronautics) he developed and applied new methods in UQ and RDM to handle large numbers of simultaneous uncertainties within times acceptable for industrial readiness. He also carried out research activity in the framework of “Clean Sky” and “Clean Sky 2” public-private partnerships between the European Commission and the Aeronautical Industry.
Selected publications:
- Minervino, M.; Vitagliano, P. L. & Quagliarella, D. (2016), ‘Helicopter stabilizer optimization considering rotor downwash in forward-flight’, Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, 88(6), 846-865.
- Vitagliano, P. L.; Minervino, M.; Quagliarella, D. & Catalano, P. (2016), ‘A conservative sliding mesh coupling procedure for U-RANS flow simulations’, Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology 88(1), 151-158.
- Quagliarella, D.; Petrone, G. & Iaccarino, G. (2015), Reliability-based Design Optimization with the Generalized Inverse Distribution Function, in Greiner; B. Galván; J. Periaux; N. Gauger; K. Giannakoglou & G. Winter, ed., ‘Advances in Evolutionary and Deterministic Methods for Design, Optimization and Control in Engineering and Sciences’, Springer.
- Catalano, L. A.; Quagliarella, D. & Vitagliano P. L. (2015), ‘Aerodynamic shape design using hybrid evolutionary computing and multigrid-aided finite-difference evaluation of flow sensitivities’, Engineering Computations 32(2), 178–210.
- Quagliarella, D.; Petrone, G. & Iaccarino, G. (2014), Optimization Under Uncertainty Using the Generalized Inverse Distribution Function, in William Fitzgibbon; Yuri A. Kuznetsov; Pekka Neittaanmaki & Olivier Pironneau, ed., ‘Modeling, Simulation and Optimization for Science and Technology’, Springer Netherlands, pp. 171-190.
- Petrone, G.; Axerio-Cilies, J.; Quagliarella, D. & Iaccarino, G. (2013), ‘A Probabilistic Non-Dominated Sorting GA for Optimization Under Uncertainty’, Engineering Computations 30(8).
- Iuliano, E. & Quagliarella, D. (2013), ‘Proper Orthogonal Decomposition, surrogate modelling and evolutionary optimization in aerodynamic design ‘, Computers & Fluids 84(0), 327 – 350.