Frank Coolen is Professor of Statistics at the Department of Mathematical Sciences, Durham University (UK), which he joined after completing his PhD at Eindhoven University of Technology (The Netherlands). His main research contributions are the development of statistical theory and methods using imprecise probabilities, in particular nonparametric predictive inference, and novel methodology for risk and reliability. Together with Tahani Coolen-Maturi, he developed the so-called `survival signature’ which is a powerful concept for uncertainty quantification of reliability for systems with multiple types of components. He has published over 200 papers on these topics, with a wide range of co-authors, and is co-editor of the book `Introduction to Imprecise Probabilities’ (Wiley, 2014).
Frank has served on editorial boards of a range of journals, currently including Journal of Reliability and Risk, and Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice. He has supervised 13 students to successful completion of their PhD studies, and is currently supervising 8 further PhD students.
Key Recent Publications:
G Walter, LJM Aslett, FPA Coolen (2017). Bayesian nonparametric system reliability using sets of priors.
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 80, 67-88.
FPA Coolen, T Coolen-Maturi (2016). The structure function for system reliability as predictive (imprecise) probability.
Reliability Engineering and System Safety 154, 180-187.
G Feng, E Patelli, M Beer, FPA Coolen (2016). Imprecise system reliability and component importance based on survival signature.
Reliability Engineering and System Safety 150, 116-125.
LJM Aslett, FPA Coolen, SP Wilson (2015). Bayesian inference for reliability of systems and networks using the survival signature.
Risk Analysis 35, 1640-1651.
T Coolen-Maturi, FPA Coolen (2015). Nonparametric predictive inference with combined data under different right-censoring schemes.
Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice 9, 288-304.
FPA Coolen, T Coolen-Maturi (2015). Predictive inference for system reliability after common-cause component failures.
Reliability Engineering and System Safety 135, 27-33.
FPA Coolen, T Coolen-Maturi, AH Al-nefaiee (2014). Nonparametric predictive inference for system reliability using the survival signature.
Journal of Risk and Reliability 228, 437-448.