Symposium: ENG

Symposium on

Applications of Uncertainty in Aerospace & Engineering

The aerospace industry has traditionally been at the forefront of the development of new technologies and was very often the first to introduce innovations, which then had an enormous and profound impact on the entire technological sector. Indeed, very often, the aerospace sector needs innovative solutions to solve problems otherwise out of the reach of technology.

This approach requires the use of substantial economic resources and the assumption of a very high business risk since technological developments, although significant, are often not able to repay the funds invested.

Therefore, the ability to foresee the risks of a project as soon as possible and to design sophisticated products quickly and robustly is vital for the aerospace industry, and, in this context, uncertainty quantification techniques and robust or reliability-based optimisation play an essential role.

In particular, an optimisation and design process capable of considering the possible sources of uncertainty from the initial stages and of directing the design process towards robust and resilient solutions can be fundamental to reduce the resources necessary for the development of advanced projects and to reduce the time-to-market of the most effective and innovative solutions.


In this symposium, authors are invited to submit papers related to:

  • Robust aerodynamic design of aircraft
  • Quantification of the sources of uncertainty for configurations of aerospace interest
  • Robust multidisciplinary optimisation both in the preliminary and in the detailed phases of the design process
  • Analysis of phenomena highly dependent on environmental uncertainties (e.g., ice formation on aircraft)
  • Experimental techniques for quantifying uncertainties in aerospace configurations